Blog Post

Blend 34 Coffee Beans and Traditional Espresso

Brian Longley • Feb 03, 2019

Blend 34 Coffee Beans Our Signature Blend for Espresso to Filter Coffee

Blue J Coffee Blend 34 Beans

For our Signature Blend 34 Coffee; It's All About the Taste

Blue J Coffee has developed Blend 34 coffee in both roasted coffee beans and roasted and ground coffee beans packages, perfect for everyway you like your coffee. With a passion for good coffee, Blend 34 was developed in order to provide a blend of coffee beans that satisfies our stringent requirements. After initially trying other commercially available coffee beans and single types of coffee beans. We were disappointed as we found them to provide either an unsatisfactory taste with either no body or they were too bitter or simply downright nasty. We decided to develop our own signature blend of coffee beans that would be enjoyable to drink either as an espresso coffee or with steamed milk either via an espresso machine, filter coffee maker or any of the other numerous ways to brew your coffee. Check out our online shop to browse our range of brewing equipment so you can enjoy our signature blend of coffee beans. We are delighted with the results as the exceptional taste of Blend 34 coffee proves extremely popular with customers including independent coffee shops who wish to differentiate themselves from other local coffee shops and provide our signature blend of coffee beans, Blend 34, to their customers.

The Espresso from Blend 34 coffee beans

Espresso prepared with a traditional espresso machine must have several features, as the espresso is the basis for many other drinks, and without a great espresso your lattes and cappuccinos can be sub par. Your choice of coffee beans and your subsequent espresso based drinks must deliver a good coffee flavour whether it is taken pure as an espresso coffee or whether it is embodied with steamed milk (e.g. as a latte or cappuccino) or combined with hot water (e.g. as an Americano).

What makes Blend 34 coffee beans so special?

A signature blend of 100% coffee beans where the combination of the individual coffee beans are balanced to deliver an exceptional depth of coffee flavour. Blend 34 is a strong smooth coffee with a rich caramel coloured crema and no bitter aftertaste.
Along with a consistent roast and exceptional coffee taste, the professional coffee maker or Barista also requires a consistently good crema from their espresso. Crema is the name given to the tiny bubbles of magic coffee volatiles that sit as a layer on top of the espresso coffee shot and enhance the coffee aroma. Prepared as an espresso coffee the ground Blend 34 coffee bean produces a crema that is a rich caramel coloured layer of micro bubbles. These micro bubbles slowly release their delicate coffee aromas from the freshly pulled espresso. Served with cool (but not iced) water to drink alongside the espresso coffee shot the customer can experience the range of tasting notes Blend 34 coffee delivers.

Blend 34 Coffee beans and the perfect espresso for your beautiful latte art

The skilled Barista who enjoys creating beautiful art on top of the coffee drink for their customers with latte art also requires an espresso crema that is consistently produced and holds in volume as the Barista delivers their skilled steamed milk pour to produce the latte art. The depth of the crema on the espresso from Blend 34 coffee beans plus its rich caramel colour enhances the milk lines of the latte art. Check out Blue J Coffee's Instagram posts for examples.
Blend 34 coffee consistently delivers the key elements of a great coffee.

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